Created in 1691, the Biscuit Rose is one of Reims’ finest treasures. It is the most famous regional speciality after champagne. Its recipe, based on eggs, egg whites, sugar and sifted flour, is simple yet challenging to master.
“At that time, bakers in Champagne, anxious to use the heat of their oven after the bread had been baked, came up with the idea of creating a special dough which, after being baked for the first time, was left in the bread oven to dry out.
This method is the origin of the word “bis-cuit”, which means that it is baked twice: first quickly and then more slowly. This tradition of double baking is still maintained today by the Fossier biscuit factory.
This double baking gives the Biscuit Rose a unique texture and a great capacity to absorb. These qualities make it the ideal ingredient for Charlottes and many other kinds of dessert such as strawberries, tiramisu, and cheesecake…