Monument de Navarin

  • Historical sites and monuments
  • Memorial
RD 977 (entre Souain et Sommepy-Tahure), 51600 Souain-Perthes-lès-Hurlus
Located in the center of the former Champagne front which stretched from Reims to the Argonne, the monument commemorates the battles that took place from September 1914 to October 1918.

It was erected in 1924 to honor the dead of the Armies of Champagne on the initiative of General Gouraud, commanding the IVth Army.

Inside, the bones of 10,000 soldiers, most of them anonymous, rest in a funerary crypt.

By climbing a few steps, you reach the foot of the base from where you discover a vast...


Free of charge


All year 2025


Monument de Navarin
RD 977 (entre Souain et Sommepy-Tahure), 51600 Souain-Perthes-lès-Hurlus
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