Port Giffaumont ChampaubertPort Giffaumont Champaubert
©Port Giffaumont Champaubert|Pascal Bourguignon OT Lac Du Der

Adventures in Champagne

Stroll, vibrate and fall for the surroundings !

Only a short distance from Châlons, you’ll find a host of exceptional places to visit. If you prefer the city, Epernay and Reims are just waiting to be discovered. If you like the countryside, head for the Lac du Der or L’Argonne. With big cities, unspoiled villages, stunning landscapes on offer, there’s something for everyone. Fancy staying in the Champagne region a little longer?

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Champagne Region on Video

À la découverte de la Marne
À la découverte de la Marne
À la découverte de la Marne