Phare De Verzenay Coeur Du Vignoble à ArtechdronePhare De Verzenay Coeur Du Vignoble à Artechdrone
©Phare De Verzenay Coeur Du Vignoble à Artechdrone

Museums and champagne

A sparkling combination

Museums with a champagne theme invite you on a journey to discover the secrets of champagne and its history. You can learn about the work in the vineyards, how champagne is made, the different skills, and how techniques have evolved. All of this is presented in a fun and informative way, in a contemporary environment.

Musée Champagne Famille Carbot

A journey back in time

The Musée Champagne Famille Carbot is a journey through time to the depths of the Baltic Sea, where 168 bottles were found after having lain there for almost two centuries, to the splendour of the Champagne terroir. Follow the evolution of a grapevine through the 4 seasons and discover over 500 different tools used in in viticulture and winemaking.

The guided tour led by Olga and her team is truly captivating. What’s more, the tour concludes with a tasting of two vintages from the Carbot family.

Tour lasts: 1 hour 30 mins


  • Guided tour with tasting of 2 vintages: 25€
  • Guided tour without tasting: 15€

Pré en Bulles

Animated scenographies

Pré en Bulles will delight visitors of all ages with two animated presentations illustrating the different stages of champagne production and its history: the “Arts de la Vigne” and the “Part des Anges”.

At the end of the visit, you can enjoy a glass of champagne in the cellar.

Visit lasts: 1 hour


  • 8€/adult – 5€/child – Free for children under 7 years
  • Champagne tasting: 5€

Verzenay Lighthouse

and the Musée de la Vigne

The Verzenay Lighthouse and the Musée de la Vigne invite you to explore the fascinating world of the Champagne vineyards using the most state-of-the-art audiovisual and scenographic technology.

During the visit, climb to the belvedere at the top of the lighthouse and enjoy an exceptional panoramic view across the Champagne hillsides.

Tour lasts:1 hour 30 mins

Prices(tour of the lighthouse and museum):

  • 9€/adult
  • 5€/child aged 6 to 16 years
  • Free to children under 6 years

Option to visit only the lighthouse or only the museum.
